118. Kitchen and Living

Wimbledon, UK

Designer: Georgina Paix

I was approached by this client to help out redesigning their ground floor.  They were building a fairly substantial extension on the first as well as the ground floor.   It was primarily ‘what to do with the kitchen’ which is why I was commissioned.  Once I had drawn the outer shell of their new extension – it was easy to see how the flow was going to work re a busy family. I always prioritise the ‘gunnells’ of the house i.e. where is the laundry done? where do you dry your clothes? where does the hoover live? etc etc.  If possible, i always try and incorporate a pantry, however small – this makes such a difference to day-to-day living.

As a couple they were confident with styles that are not so pedestrian – and fully embraced a more ‘organic’ feel combined with a contemporary look.  Lots of earthy tones, flooring that goes continuously from inside to outside, a huge kitchen island 3m x 1.4 are just some of the style elements.   This would be a kitchen I would be more than happy to have as my own

118. Kitchen and Living

Wimbledon, UK

Designer: Georgina Paix

I was approached by this client to help out redesigning their ground floor.  They were building a fairly substantial extension on the first as well as the ground floor.   It was primarily ‘what to do with the kitchen’ which is why I was commissioned.  Once I had drawn the outer shell of their new extension – it was easy to see how the flow was going to work re a busy family. I always prioritise the ‘gunnells’ of the house i.e. where is the laundry done? where do you dry your clothes? where does the hoover live? etc etc.  If possible, i always try and incorporate a pantry, however small – this makes such a difference to day-to-day living.

As a couple they were confident with styles that are not so pedestrian – and fully embraced a more ‘organic’ feel combined with a contemporary look.  Lots of earthy tones, flooring that goes continuously from inside to outside, a huge kitchen island 3m x 1.4 are just some of the style elements.   This would be a kitchen I would be more than happy to have as my own