This really is a true Sitting Room – as opposed to a Living Room, where you tend to find a television. Arguably a ‘traditional’ Sitting Room is fairly easy to design spatially, re furniture positioning, sizing etc. This room is no exception with one focal point – the fireplace without a competing television. On the surface it does not appear that there is any need for a visual. However, this client – who tends to chose large & colourful patterns in curtains was looking for something a bit different. They were looking to put a big bold pattern into the sofas (a rather big ticket item) and contrast them against a more muted curtain – before the sofas & curtains were commissioned they were able to see how it would look.
The sofas are covered in the Zoffany Cochin Print and the curtains are the in James Hare Corolla Fabric.
Location | Sevenoaks
Detail | Study re-Design
Designer | Georgina Paix
Colour & Texture Palette